Revolutionise media literacy education

Find out here how you can empower your students to conquer the complex world of information.

Sourcer is the must-have tool for educational institutions seeking to equip their students with the skills to navigate the complex world of information. Our user-friendly browser extension delivers top-notch media literacy education, empowering students to spot misinformation. By fostering critical thinking skills, students develop a broader perspective and learn how to quickly determine what online information they can trust.

Bring Sourcer to your institution
Happy students in group
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Critical Skills for Students and Institutions

Technological advancements are disrupting traditional education. As the information landscape evolves, so do the skills we need to succeed in our careers. With the abundance of information available at our fingertips, it becomes less important to memorise facts and more important to develop skills to effectively fact-check online sources.

To safeguard their students and our society, educational institutions need to act now to teach them how to verify the credibility of information online. Failing to do so leaves them vulnerable to misinformation, which can have severe consequences for individuals and society.

How to implement Sourcer at your institution?


Provide your students with access to the browser extension throughout the academic year. By using the extension to verify their sources, students develop a habit of critically evaluating information and master skills to identify misinformation.


Our workshop is a great way to introduce students to media literacy concepts. With access to Sourcer for one month and a related case study, students can develop a deeper understanding of themes, such as how to verify the credibility of information online.

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Learning Module

In each learning module, students delve into media literacy concepts, acquire new skills, and apply them through carefully curated assignments. With the help of Sourcer, get access to measurable and actionable learning outcomes.

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How we work

Sourcer makes it easy for you to provide more immersive and efficient media literacy education, with long term improvements for students. Implementation of our products is fast, without requiring ICT infrastructure changes and with students' data being handled anynomously. All our content material is available digitally, and integration into your services is possible depending on your needs.

We are committed to ensuring a successful onboarding experience for our partners. To achieve this, we offer dedicated support, workshops and a range of educational materials to ensure you leverage the full capabilities of our tool and achieve your desired outcomes.

As part of our ongoing commitment to your success, we regularly evaluate your progress and provide actionable insights to help you deliver top-notch media literacy education at your institution.
Teachers celebrating succes
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Contact Us

Please include all relevant information, such as the institution's name and location or your position. If you prefer to get a callback, please also include your phone number.